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28 Ways to Celebrate and Enjoy February

February is the month to celebrate, or mock, all the corny and romantic ways we show others we love them - read about how I'll be sharing the love and having fun with loved ones below.


I love love. So there is no need to twist my arm into making February a hot pink whirlwind of corny craft days and romantic date nights. This February I'll be celebrating my 36th birthday, and I feel the need to make this month special, as I panic in the mirror while considering bangs to cover the deepening lines in my forehead. So here are my 28 ideas to embrace this season.

"Swear to be overdramatic and true..." -T. Swift
"Swear to be overdramatic and true..." -T. Swift

February - the month for lovers.

  1. Day one, it's all about setting the mood - Craft a salt dough Candy Conversation Heart garland. I plan to make mine a little moody with some sweet and spicy sayings on them. Need some inspiration? Pinterest away.

  2. Romance Novel Marathon - I'm gifting some 'Book Blind Dates' throughout February, so I must power through my unread smutty love stories before passing them along for my friends to enjoy. My most recent read? Neon Gods, by Katee Robert - OMG.

  3. Bake Something Sweet - I've become blondie-obsessed in recent months, looking for any excuse to bake and snack on them until my tummy hurts. This is my favorite recipe for goey and delicious Valentine-themed blondies. Yum!

  4. Movie Night: Love at First Sight - Find this one on Netflix and enjoy this quirky and sweet romance with a bowl of popcorn and cozy PJs. In the mood for something sultry? Try Sex/Life, also on Netflix. Something to break your heart? One Day, or From Scratch. Oof.

  5. Cook Together - I vote for a cozy soup like any of these delicious gnocchi recipes. Add some tasty homemade bread and a few good friends and you'll have a lovely night on your hands.

  6. Frame and Hang Love Letters - If you have any written to you from the heart, you are lucky and I think you should display the love. If not, there are some beautiful love poems you can print and hang, because words can be beautiful art.

  7. Wear Red - The first Friday in February is National Wear Red Day, which falls on February 7th this year. It’s a day to raise awareness for heart disease, especially in women - get in some extra steps with your lady friends on your hot girl walks today.

  8. Valentine Shopping - We are hitting the thrift store for Valentine's this year. I've asked my family to think eco-conscience for my birthday and we've all agreed to spread the love while caring for our planet. Fingers crossed for a bread maker!

  9. Celebrate the Super Bowl - I never watch football, but I always watch the Super Bowl. I think it's nostalgia from my childhood that encourages this tradition, my grandpa hosted a Super Bowl party every year. So bring on the chicken wings, beer, and a few hours of nonsense with family cheering on the Chiefs and Kendrick Lamar.

  10. Mail Valentine's - I don't know about you, but I used to cherish my homemade Valentine's mailbox at school. It really did make me feel special to peek through the box and see all the cards, even if everyone was required to gift everybody. So this year, my daughter and I are crafting simple homemade valentines to mail off to our friends and family. I'm planning to include flower seeds and a crafted card.

  11. Spa Day - Time to refresh with a full self-care extravaganza! Face masks, scalp oiling, nails, and lotions galore. It is nice to get this kind of care at a real spa, but if you'd rather stay in, invite someone special to indulge with you and rejuvenate.

  12. Clay Crafting - I've just discovered air-dry clay, and now I am inspired to make and paint some sweetly designed beads and bobbles for bracelets, necklaces, and pins. But the possibilities are endless...Pin-spiration!

  13. Celebrate Galentine's Day - Hoping for a chance to gather my favorite girlfriends for some cocktails and my blind dates! It's tough to gather my besties with everything we're all juggling all the time, but here's my inspiration if it happens!

  14. It's Valentine's Day - Of course, I'll be dressing up and heading out to dinner with my lover, but I am also looking forward to a specialty date I have planned - we're heading to a local pottery shop and creating a "Hug Pot' together - XOXO.

  15. Singles Awareness Day - Time to grab lunch with the singles in your life, or maybe encourage them to head out on a blind date! Hit the apps or order some apps and give your single friends some love.

  16. Tea Party - I've given up coffee and I am on a mission to indulge in teas with all their fixings as I learn to live without the iced lattes. It's time to find my tea-loving friends and enjoy some warm drinks and treats on these cold winter days.

  17. Learn to Sew - I have owned a sewing machine for a decade without ever turning it on. I will use this day to finally learn the art of sewing so I can mend the pile of clothes I've been stacking beside it for months. Find yourself a craft you've been meaning to get to and dive in.

  18. Game Night - If you have a lover, try something steamy to celebrate your romance. If not, pull out some board games and gather your friends and family for snacks and old-fashioned fun.

  19. Yoga - Find yourself a partner and get sweaty with an acro-yoga class. This couples-based practice is challenging and things can get pretty hilarious as you work together to nail those poses.

  20. Be a Secret Valentine - Yes Valentine's Day is over, but keep spreading the love. Be someone's secret valentine by paying for their coffee, leaving love notes or affirmations on desks or windshields, or tipping extra generously.

  21. Donate Warmth - Put together care packages and warm donations for a shelter or warming house near you - do include some chocolates and words of encouragement.

  22. Learn Something New - Find a friend or acquaintance you'd like to get closer to and ask them to teach you something new. Embrace adventure while they show you how to bake, or ski, or play guitar. End the day with delicious hot cocoa & maybe plans for a second date!

  23. Create Love Bombs - Fill small mason jars with love notes, treats, and silly goodies, then leave them in common areas at work, or on your neighbor's front porch. Be sure to explain the fun on the jar so people know it's ok to enjoy them.

  24. Exchange Love Playlists - My XOXO playlist is on repeat in February which means, it gets played out! Ask your people to share their favorite love songs and moody playlists to create a sexy or sweet new list of your own.

  25. Cuddle Up - With your lover, your kiddos, your friends, or your pets. Get snuggled up and just enjoy being together - share your favorite things and make memories while being cozy and present.

  26. Go Out to Eat - Find a dive bar with fantastic burgers, or a steakhouse you've always wanted to splurge on and eat your heart out.

  27. Volunteer - There's no shortage of need in our communities, so band together with your people, or go it alone, and do what you can to make a difference. Our favorite volunteer site is the animal shelter - those fur babies need love too!

  28. Over-the-Top Photoshoot - I'm not saying you have to go boudoir, but I'm not saying you shouldn't either. I think everyone should indulge in making time for their sexy side. Schedule or snap the photos and appreciate what your mama gave ya.


There you have it - my loving intentions to indulge, embrace, and enjoy my way through this beautiful February. I hope you're feeling inspired - with love, Alex.

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